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Top 8 Myths about 5G technology

In the past article, we read about 5G technology and its mechanism. In this article, let's see about all the myths that we are believing wrong and its answer,
link for past article: "Are 5G rations are harmful to health"

Top 8 Myths about 5G technology:

Top 8 Myths about 5G technology
Top 8 Myths about 5G technology

Is 5G coming soon??

Nope!, It is true for people in certain areas of some big cities. To provide 5G, it requires whole new antennas and equipment’s which are far different from the present equipment. For this process, it takes decades to provide 5G globally. Presently, big telecom companies like, "at&t", "t-mobiles", are installing the equipment required in the cities which are popular and have a high population. So it takes more than a couple of years to get 5G

Is 5g all about faster data??
Yes and no! 5G networks are expected to be up to 100 times faster than 4G. But it's not all about speed, it also enhances the user experience of many different technologies and devices. Like in robots, automobiles, and in many areas.

Is 5G bad for health??

No, it is not bad for your health. Due to the word “radiation” everyone is fearing of it, that radiations damage our health. If you want to know why, read our last article about "Are 5G rations are harmful to health"

Will 5G give access big companies to spy on us??

No, because all the big tech companies already spy on us. If you have a mobile phone that you carry around, that means they are effectively spying on you. We use google maps and many other Google applications, android, and apple. Applications and devices are already tracking you. So this isn’t going to bring anything additional to that.

Top 8 Myths about 5G technology
Top 8 Myths about 5G technology

Is 5G killing bees??

5G isn’t killing bees. There is quite a lot of concern about colony collapse and in some ways (maybe due to the climate change), we don’t know what's going on with that but we do know 5G isn’t the problem again, because there is no mechanism for 5Gto harm bees or any other animals.

Why 5G banned in some places??

The reason people banning it, there is no necessary (direct and indirect) connection to 5G and there is no good evidence to prove it. The main important thing here is knowing that 5G doesn’t harm you. If you want to know why, read our last article about "Are 5G rations are harmful to health"

Will 5G spoil the landscape and environment??

No, We have already a lot of things in our environment that are man-made. We have electricity pylons, wind turbines, buildings, street lights, and many other things that we made. This isn’t an addition to the environment that we built and obviously, anything new will be inconvenient. But, we will get used to it and we will build more. 

Is 5G really worth it??

Obviously, It is going to give a lot more connectivity. Your phone is going to be faster, you will be able to stream video more quickly without buffering more broadly 5G is going to deliver a much more connected world. Instead of things talking to each other and to the cloud the will be able to talk across devices. There is more good coming from 5G

 NOTE: hey reader! We hope you liked the post, "Top 8 Myths about 5G technology". Tell your suggestions or thoughts in the comment box. If you want to know about more topics, comment on which topic u want to know and We will make it happen. thank you and happy reading!!!

Tags: myths about cell phone radiation, facts, and myths about 5G,  despelling myths about 5G, myths about 5G, myths about 5G network, 5G myths, top 5G myths, 5G tower danger myth, 5G technology, 5G network, 5G wireless 



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